Ouch! Burnt myself again...time to get a pyrography tool.
I am glad I did.
I've been having fun trying out the different heads & experimenting on beads.
In fact I quite like the smell of the wood when it singes.
Perhaps it's not the best idea to inhale it, so maybe wear a scarf over your mouth or a mask if you have one.
Make sure you have a window open or a well ventilated area.
The tool gets extremely hot so make sure you have an appropriate surface to lay it on.
Play around and try different ideas it is the best way to see how it works. Better than reading about it.
* This was my first try using different heads & also just simple freehand writing. Custom made by request for 'Watusi Eighty Seven' a young hip hop artist.
* I did a giant pendant & burnt my song lyrics on the back.....a few errors and mis-burns where I wasn't concentrating or got a hand wobble.
AFTER this I felt I was starting to get a better feel of using the tool....so........this is what I did next. I was pleased with the result & was more confident with the pressure I needed to use etc.....
* These I did to mark the third London Coffee Festival, raising money and awareness to bring clean water to Mbulu in Tanzania. At the festival there is live music, the musicians donate their time and talents for 3days. I called these beads 'Music for Mbulu' beads.
So if you are thinking of getting a pyrography tool go for it!
Don't spend a fortune, between £12 - £24 & you will have fun. Mine was £22 and seems smoother than the more expensive one that my friend has..
Be safe! Have a fun creative time!
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