Finally I write this post. I have started so many times, deleted, re-written, deleted again & again, so I have just decided to go with the flow and see what happens!
Yep, I'm nervous about this post. It's personal, real & I mention M3NSA. It's the mentioning Mensa bit that makes me nervous!
I was an instant fan. We met in Aug 2010 at a gospel concert!! Truth dat!
Here is a pic for non-believers, as there are many people who never believe me. Haha....
My love runs deep for the guy.
I don't mean 'kissy kissy bang bang' love, I mean deep respect for his musical mind, the intelligence behind his lyrics, the fusion of musical flow & the talents that ooze from him, kind of love.
There was one day when I did something (in total innocence I stress) & this 'something' made Mensa cross. Haha, I laugh now but at the time it totally mashed up my mind at the time & hurt my heart so much. Misunderstandings. He does know this cos I told him, yet I never got to tell him the full story to this day. I am like a 'dog with a bone' so I know that I will wait until the end of time if I need to, as I will say what I have to say about that day & why it made me so cross.
I was so cross that I got inspired & I thank you Mensa for that everyday. The expression I used to say about Mensas music 'saving my life' became more true than I ever believed.
In fact I wrote these lyrics the next day about it?!
Since then I HAVE improved on this track, I sing it with power & passion now, I have been in the studio (encouraged by M Prophet,Jazbo,Alonestar etc), it has been recorded in many ways...however it will never sound complete to me as in my mind it was written with a 'Mensa response'...haha, oh yes it was!!! Simple things but it would work. No no, I don't mean I think I am a pro like him, not at all, yet I do know him well enough to know it would work in a fun way!
So from that day I mention FIRST that we are 'Frenemies',.... then I mention I am a fan, a fan who really listens, nearly kills herself to get to his gigs (so true u won't believe), a fan who has been inspired, refreshed & motivated by his music. A fan who gets upset when folk from Ghana say nothing good comes from their country. I know they are usually referring to the political state however, I need to stress that through Mensas music there is been education on many levels.
I listen to his lyrics, really listen. Sometimes I understand, sometimes I don't but there is something that makes me 'think' in every track. I ask what the lyrics mean, why it was written, what inspired it. The responses have always been interesting, not patronising, so I wanted to hear more..more and more.
No 1 Mango Street is the most played album in my home. It stirs up all sorts of emotions & introduces us to his mind, his life, personal memories of his home he grew in, global issues & with a good dose of humour, that's why he gets away with a lot of things, cos he has a good sense of humour.
Thank you for reading this far as the most important bit of the blog is coming up!!
He saved my life for real!
I was in hospital a few months ago, cardiac problem. Having been given CPR & the use of a defibrillator to bring me back to life again I was zoomed to hospital with blue flashing lights.
I remember bits of it. My ribs were cracked from the first CPR attempt & I felt that throbbing, I mentioned cheese, I heard the cardiologist saying that they needed to contact my Mum.
It felt like I as shouting at them but I kept whispering telling them "it's ok, don't call my Mum..I'm not gonna die until I am 98!"
Wires hanging off me, machines beeping, huge teams of doctors & nurses running in as my heart repeatedly stopped then started then stopped putting a further strain on my body each time.
What then felt like minutes to me was actually hours....I have been filled in on what happened & not only had I had a cardiac arrest but I had also gone into respiratory arrest?! I had been so bad that I was classed as 'dead' for a couple of minutes.
Sharp minds in the NHS helped, but the conversation that was taking place around me as I lay there weak & bleeping, went something like this (according to my Mum the handsome Cardiologist)...
"haha, oohh she's mentioned Mensa to you has she?" they chuckle.."oh yes Mrs Mum she certainly has. Mentioned many music artists but she always comes in with a Mensa line." They chuckle again, my Mum looking at me fondly..."she would make up some lyrics to go with the beat of that damn bleeping machine if she just woke up."..."yes yes she would" they chuckle again remembering some of my mad lyrics & stories.
"Hmmm whats the line..ummm I've come back again..".."no no I think it's "Mensa comes back again"..The machine beep changes rate...."oh my Lawd she moved her hand! She moved her hand!! She's coming back!"....I vaguely remember this bit...
I tried so hard to put my hand on my heart but I only managed to raise one finger...weakly & breathless I slowly got my words out...*** "'s . . M3NSA is.... back ..again.." (I flop a bit & take a breath) " drive..the world in saaaane...." ...and that's IT I'm BACK! ***
Mensa & his lyrics kinda saved my life. Thank you from me, my family, friends my dog, thank you Mensa. No money can buy that.
So that is further reason to love the dude.
It has become a bit of a joke that if I am ever trying to die again that you should MIS-quote Mensa lyrics to me....cos it is so deep in my heart that is will frustrate me & bring me back!! Just so I can correct you!! haha...Ghana be PROUD!
Hear the music that helped save me, my heart, my mind n my soul - M3NSA - No1 Mango Street > Twitter -@MensaMusic